The University of West Bohemia builds ideal conditions for students to succeed in a world where modern technologies are more and more important, and where the traditional boundaries between disciplines disappear. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is coming, and our students are ready for it.

Historically, we build upon our firm technical foundations, which we have enriched with quality education in humanities, arts, and health care. Students have an opportunity to create their own study plan across disciplines and take part in interesting research projects.

We build the courage in our students to view the world with a critical eye, to put their knowledge to the test, and to deal with problems in a creative manner. We trust this is the most effective preparation for practical life, where new technologies are developed through cooperation among technicians, designers, anthropologists, or physiotherapists. 

The results of the university´s development have proved that we are on the right track. Many discoveries of our research teams have proved to be successful, and students who participated in the research have launched successful careers.

All our future accomplishments and successes depend on our knowledge and the courage to implement it.