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Contemporary human transformed in a "chimera"; a hybrid of body, technology and virtuality

Chimera - a group exhibition of Taiwanese new and digital media art took place in the Prague Centre of Contemporary Art DOX+ (October 2019) and at the Ladislav Sutnar Gallery in Pilsen (January 2020).

Curators: Yu-Chuan Tseng, artist, curator and Associate Professor at Shih Hsin University based in Taipei; and Jan Van Woensel, curator at the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.

Artists: Chenwei Chiang, Chi-Ping Chin, Kung-ta Tseng, Scottie Chih-Chieh Huang, Tien-Chun Chang, Yu-Chuan Tseng, Yun-Ju Chen

“Chimera” originates from the understanding that over the past decades humans evolved into a hybrid of body and machine. Man is codependent of technology. The smart device that we became one with is both the key that opens endless passageways into virtual space and the vessel that we use to ride the waves of cyber-reality. Irrevocably, our voluntarily mass-movement to the virtual space caused a situation of alienation. In a state of unconsciousness, modern man abandoned nature and replaced it with an open-sourced virtual mirage that serves as an ever-accessible substitute. But this agnostic parallel plain is only an unsatisfactory stimulus and it only feeds human's increased dependence on digital tools. It provokes a double removal that is recognized in how personal alienation takes place in an increasingly alienating digitalized world."
curator Jan Van Woensel