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International Summer School of Art at the Sutnar Faculty. Come and experience a creative summer in Pilsen.
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ArtCamp 2024

Summer school dates: 8 - 26 July, 2024
Registrations are closed. We look foward to welcoming you at the Sutnar Faculty.

Venue: Sutnar Faculty = Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, University of West Bohamie, Pilsen, CZ
(+ workshops in DEPO2015, or plein air)

Course length: 1 week each, i.e. it is possible to take part in up to 3 courses 

Course list and schedule: please go to Courses for the list of courses open to international participants

Who can sign up: anyone interested in art and design, age, 15+

The ArtCamp summer school offers more than just a summer adventure with art and design. It is a chance to boost your talents, pick up new skills, make new friends and create unforgettable memories.


The project ArtCamp 2024 takes place with financial support of the City of Pilsen.

About ArtCamp

The ArtCamp International Summer School of Art has been giving Czech and foreign art supporters the opportunity to spend a part of their summer in a creative and inspiring environment, discover or develop their talents, meet interesting Czech and foreign artists, and prepare for art university examinations.

During the courses taught by the Sutnar Faculty teachers as well as visiting Czech and foreign artists, participants of various age groups, ethnicities, and specialities meet and create together. The teaching takes place in studios as well as in the open air, usually in the Czech and English languages. The courses are suitable for the general public from beginners to advanced participants, as well as for the current and future students of art fields (the cut-off age is 15 years old - grammar school student).

Participants can choose from a wide range of one-week courses and choose according to their own interest and focus a suitable combination of courses and the length of their summer study at the Sutnar Faculty. 
